A different kind of Yes
Image by Henrique Felix (Unsplash)
Australia reMADE supported the First Nations’ Voice to Parliament. Yet we know it was but one pathway, not the only one, for Voice, Treaty and Truth.
If there is to be no official recognition of First Nations people in our Constitution, no First Nations’ Voice to our national Parliament, then we must now carry recognition, reconciliation and healing forward ourselves, as a people.
Let us be the change we wish to see. The First Peoples of Australia extended a generous invitation, and it was rejected. But it is still possible for all of us who want to receive that invitation, to answer back, with our own Yes.
Find voices to follow and organisations to support and join. This is not an exhaustive list, but some key groups leading the way in First Nations self-determination, justice, health, education, business, media and more. We’ve organised them by category to make it easier to search. If key groups are missing, please let us know.
Let’s carry forward ‘Yes’ in our own hearts, lives, organisations and communities. We also encourage you to share this list in your networks.
Indigenous-led and allied organisations you can follow, join and support
Support self-determination and governance.
Aboriginal land councils represent the interests of their local community. Find your local land council here.
The Australian Indigenous Governance Institute is an independent, Indigenous-led centre for governance knowledge and excellence. They connect Indigenous Australians to world-class governance practice, resources and professional development to meet their self-determined governance needs.
The Uluru Statement from the Heart sought a Voice to Parliament, as well as the establishment of a Makarrata Commission to oversee a process of agreement-making and truth-telling.
The National Native Title Council is the peak body for the native title sector. Their members are made up of the Traditional Owners of Australia’s lands, waters and resources, and their representative bodies.
Plug into big ideas and national advocacy.
ANTaR is a national advocacy organisation dedicated to justice, rights and respect for Australia’s First Nations Peoples.
The Ebony Institute is an independent Black think tank dedicated to solving complex social, political and economic problems.
GetUp! is a people-powered movement currently led by Widjabul Wia-bul woman Larissa Baldwin. They campaign on a range of issues, including First Nations justice in key areas like stopping deaths in custody and protecting Aboriginal heritage.
Join those working within the justice system.
Sisters Inside advocates for the collective human rights of women and girls in prison, and their families, and provides services to address their individual needs.
Change the Record campaigns to end the incarceration of, and family violence against, Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people.
The National Family Violence Prevention and Legal Services Forum is the National Peak Body for Family Violence Prevention Services around Australia that provide culturally safe and holistic services to First Nations people affected by family violence – predominantly women and their children.
Aboriginal legal centres provide legal advice and representation to First Peoples around the country, such as the Tasmanian Aboriginal Legal Service. National Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Legal Services is their peak body.
The Indigenous Law Centre UNSW contributes to the recognition, protection and development of the legal rights and freedoms of Indigenous peoples through conducting and disseminating innovative and high quality research on Indigenous legal issues and through community legal education on issues of particular significance.
Get behind those working in health and healing.
The Yiliyapinya Indigenous Corporation is a not-for-profit corporation using scientifically validated neuroplasticity programs to relieve the suffering and distress of vulnerable children, youth, adults and seniors so that they have a better quality of life.
The National Aboriginal Controlled Community Health Organisation is the national leadership body for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander health in Australia. Health services are available in states and territories, such as the Victorian Aboriginal Health Service.
The Australian Indigenous Doctors’ Association’s purpose is to grow ethical and professional Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander doctors who will lead and drive equitable and just health outcomes for all our peoples.
Gayaa Dhuwi (Proud Spirit) Australia is the national peak body for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander social and emotional wellbeing, mental health, and suicide prevention.
The Healing Foundation is a national Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander organisation that partners with communities to address the ongoing trauma caused by actions like the forced removal of children from their families.
Lowitja Institute is Australia’s only national Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander community controlled health research institute.
The First Peoples Disability Network Australia is a national organisation of and for Australia’s First Peoples with disability, their families and communities.
Support young people and education.
The Aurora Foundation is an Indigenous organisation that supports Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander students to realise their full education and employment potential – whether it is completing Year 12 or achieving a PhD from Oxford.
The Koorie Youth Council facilitates and amplifies the voices, aspirations, and experiences of all Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander young people residing in Victoria.Mamanta service their local community through running a range of programs and activities that have a particular focus on youth and employment.
The Indigenous Literacy Foundation gives Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander remote Communities the tools and resources they request to shape the direction of their children’s literacy future.
Yalari provides Indigenous children from regional and remote communities across Australia the opportunity to receive a full boarding school scholarship for their entire secondary education.
SNAICC work for the fulfilment of the rights of First Nations children, in particular to enjoy safety, development and wellbeing.
First Languages Australia is the national peak body working to ensure the strength of all Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander languages.
Find and support businesses and workers.
Supply Nation provides Australia’s leading database of verified Indigenous businesses.
Welcome to Country is a not-for-profit marketplace for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander experiences and products.
First Australians Capital is a national Indigenous-led organisation that builds investment readiness and designs the right capital solutions for Indigenous businesses to thrive.
The First Nations Workers Alliance is a culturally safe place for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander workers wanting to learn about unions and who want to join their industry union.
Black Coffee Australia is a grassroots Indigenous business networking gathering held in regions around Australia each month.
Back mentoring, entrepreneurship and skill-building.
The Western Australian Aboriginal Leadership Institute is an independent, for purpose organisation based in Perth, with the aim of inspiring and supporting Aboriginal people to take up leadership opportunities to strengthen their families and communities.
Barayamal supports First Nations entrepreneurship. Indigenous people only make up 5% of the world’s population but protect 80% of the world’s biodiversity – the results of supporting genuine First Nations entrepreneurship goes without saying.
Original Power’s mission is to build the power, skills, capacity and collective capability of First Nations to genuinely self-determine what happens in communities and on Country.
First Hand Solutions build resilient and strong Aboriginal people, communities & business through Culture, Employment and Economic Development.
The Preston Campbell Foundation supports Preston’s vision of developing programs and opportunities which inspire and mentor participants to achieve their aspirations and dreams by connecting Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples with their culture, sense of place and wellbeing.
The Streets Movement Organisation is an Indigenous community development organisation which provides programs, pathways and opportunities for the disconnected, forgotten and wayward, helping them re-engage with opportunity, education and community.
Find and support great grassroots and community initiatives.
Pay The Rent Grassroots Collective – Paying the Rent is about non-Indigenous people honouring the Sovereignty of Aboriginal people; it is a somewhat more just way of living on this stolen land, by transferring money on a grassroots to grassroots basis.
Leedal Foundation aims to assist in the development of the economic base of the Fitzroy region to ensure that members of the six beneficiary communities, and members of other communities in the Valley, can look forward to a better quality of life.
Gunawirra empowers Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander children, families and communities to reach their full potential.
Outback Academy Australia drive game-changing and inclusive approaches to agricultural and horticultural business, education, employment, health and wellbeing.
NATSIHA is the first and only national leadership body for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Community-Controlled Housing in Australia. There are state and territory-based associations advocating for safe and secure housing for First Peoples, such as Aboriginal Housing Northern Territory.
Back those working to protect Country and the environment.
Country Needs People supports Indigenous ranger jobs and Indigenous Protected Areas, so that traditional knowledge and connection to Country can be harnessed alongside modern scientific conservation methods to create a win-win for the environment and the wellbeing of communities and individuals.
Seed Mob are building a movement of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander young people for climate justice.
Support LGTBTQIA+SB peoples.
BlaQ Aboriginal Corporation is committed to empowering the Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander LGBTQ+SB community through innovation, inclusion, understanding and advocacy.
Black Rainbow is a national volunteer Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander LGBQTIA+SB social enterprise in the pursuit of positive health and wellbeing for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender, Intersex, Queer, Asexual, Sistergirl and Brotherboys (LGBQTIA+SB).
Follow and amplify First Nations’ voices and media.
First Nations Media Australia provides forums, networks and resources to support First Nations media organisations and workers to upskill and build their capacity.
NITV is an Australian free-to-air television channel that broadcasts programming produced and presented largely by Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people.
The National Indigenous Times is a national news media organisation for Indigenous affairs, with a monthly Newspaper and daily website updates.
The Koori Mail is a fortnightly national newspaper reporting on the issues that matter to Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people.
IndigenousX is a 100% Indigenous-owned and operated media, consultancy, and training organisation.
Australia reMADE supports ambitious, collaborative, and transformative change-makers to reMAKE more of the world we want. We are independent, not-for-profit and here for anyone who aligns with our vision and values.