
In 2023-24, we partnered with Women’s Health Goulburn North East (WHGNE) to explore how our approach to disaster preparation, response and recovery would change if we centred the public good of Care.

In part one, Care through Disaster - a new lens on what’s needed to survive and thrive in tumultuous times, we argue that while disaster can bring people together, our goal is to prioritise what matters before disaster strikes.

Part two, Care through Disaster in Practice - a toolkit for leaders from the citizen to the state sets out the tangible contributions we can make as citizens, community organisations, through all levels of government, to build a new infrastructure of care at a scale required for communities to thrive through increasing systemic disaster risk. 

We’ve had such a positive response to this work and so we’ll be co-hosting a quarterly online community of practice for anyone interested in coming together to discuss, build on, and action these ideas and recommendations.


Latest media


Article on ABC news explaining some of the key findings from the Care through Disaster report.

Millie discussing the Care through Disaster report on ABC NEWS

Listen to Millie discuss findings from the Care through Disaster report on ABC morning radio starting at 2:12


Collaboration with Goodlife Permaculture and animator Vivien Mason in The Mercury

Getting the public service in the public good conversation. Canberra Times by Dr Millie Rooney


What do we want the public service to be? The Mandarin by Dr Millie Rooney

Partnerships in disaster prevention, management and recovery on Earth Chat with Amanda Kelly, WHGNE CEO

Australia reMADE and WHGNE’s Care through Disaster project on ABC Radio, Shepparton, Breakfast, with Dr Millie Rooney, beginning at 47.13 minutes


Where is Our Budget for the Public Good? (2022) in The Tasmanian Times by Dr Millie Rooney


Can we envision a government dedicated to the public good? (2022) in Pro Bono by Dr Millie Rooney

This country can’t afford to have a part time government (2021) in The Canberra Times by Louise Tarrant

What are Universities for? (2021) in The Tasmanian Times by Dr Millie Rooney


Ours is to reason why (2021) in Crossroads by Dr Millie Rooney

Bold change comes when we energise hope (2019) in The Guardian by Louise Tarrant


Past events

Care through Disaster Launch

Whether it's climate impacts like fire and flood or a global pandemic, disaster is no longer unprecedented. So what do we need to care for each other well – before, during and after a disaster?

a conversation with Women’s Health Goulburn North East. Rewatch it here!

a conversation with Women’s Health Goulburn North East. Rewatch it here!

a conversation with Women’s Health Goulburn North East. Rewatch it here!

  • Paper presentation, BIEN: Crisis and Transformation Conference (26th September - 28th September), Basic Income Earth Network

External podcasts

We have loved being guests on these wonderful podcasts! Click on them to listen and be sure to check out our own podcast - the reMAKERS.