Reclaiming our Purpose: It’s time to talk about the public good
A practical and values-led framework for leaders
After listening to Australians from all walks of life and political backgrounds talk about what they want for our country, we’re so pleased to offer this practical, research-based and values-led guide to reclaiming our sense of purpose as a country.
We offer a new public good agenda centred around the importance of Care, Connection and Contribution. We identify the key physical and enabling infrastructure required for this new agenda, and insights into how to bring these ideas into your work and leadership easily and effectively. It’s time to talk about the public good.

Listen to us chat about the Public Good on our podcast
This work on the public good is an essential backbone and focus for our current projects and the creation of an Australia reMADE.
A Public Service for the Public Good
A thriving democracy requires that our democratic institutions are oriented to serve the public good.
In 2024 we’re asking “What do we want our public service to be, and how do we create it?”. Building on the three Cs of Care, Connection and Contribution we’re working on a framework that reshapes the relationship between citizen and state, positioning the public service as an enabler of the public good.
Care through Disaster
In 2023-24, in partnership with Women’s Health Goulburn North East, we took the lens of Care as a public good and applied it to the context of communities facing disasters.
Explore Care through Disaster work to find out what an enabling infrastructure for Care looks like, and why it is essential for how we prepare for, and respond to, disaster.

Words are powerful, particularly at election time. Three word slogans shape debate and lies become understood as truths if they are repeated often enough. To create an agenda for the public good we need to recognise the power of words and use them to our advantage…