Latest news & stories
Welcome to the stories of Australia reMADE!
Consider this a source of ideas and inspiration, behind the scenes reflections and insights, as we work together to create the Australia of our dreams. These are the stories about how we can and are working together to create the best version of us: a country defined by courage and compassion, where people and planet come first.
Faith as an enhancer
Faith, like salt should add flavour rather than dominate. A fascinating conversation about the public good with members of the Uniting Church.
The poetry of public good
What do poets think about the public good? A delightfully poetic conversation about the role of poetry and arts in serving the public good…
What are budgets for?
What is the real purpose of the budget and how we might collectively shift attention to the things that matter most: re-defining and re-energising ideas for the public good?
“We don’t understand the essence of how amazing we are!”
Gloucester is a town full of people who know all about the public good and how to provide it. Whether it’s supporting community members through life’s ups and downs, helping to secure a safe climate future by fighting off a coal mine, or running their Sustainable Futures Convention, Gloucester is a small town with a big impact…
Whisky and prayer
We talk with more wonderful Australians about the importance of contribution and connection to community. As always it’s wonderful to hear what people want for their communities…
Talking public good in Frankston
We talk with five incredible women from Frankston, Victoria about their lives and communities: about who they are and what they and their communities need, how we might meet those needs better as a society…
Lessons from the Pandemic, phase one
Here we go again, maybe. Just when we had flattened the curve of covid-19 across Australia, we’re facing a second wave. So what should we have learned from phase one?
Broken Open in the Year of Great Disruptions
2020 may well be remembered as the Year of Great Disruptions, and we’re only half way through it. Each rupture has been unique, yet connected and compounding…
The Recovery Begins Now
We will come out of this pandemic a different country – the question is how different and who decides. Read our contribution to developing the tools and frameworks that will help us in this work..
What if we centred radical love at the heart of our politics?
What if we centred radical love at the heart of politics?
Australia reMADE Chair, Louise Tarrant asks the big question and talks us through what might happen if we have the courage to talk about love.
For the love of action: people stepping up on climate change
At this time when our nation is crying out for climate action, we want you to hear that it is happening – in the form of so many more people stepping up to fill the leadership vacuum our government’s created. Our Communications Lead Lily Spencer reflects on her experience at the National Climate Emergency Summit…
Mapping the Future we can Embrace
There is plenty of evidence that offering a greater vision of what you’re for and talking about solutions is highly effective. But it takes practice, and the deliberate choice to shift our focus again and again from, ‘how do we stop what’s wrong’, to, ‘how do we build what’s right?’…
Making Space for Utopia: the power of knowing and saying what you’re for
Students at the University of Tasmania began a divestment campaign that took a surprising twist when they came out FOR something…
Uncommon victories: lessons from Warringah and Indi
What can we learn from the lighthouse campaigns of 2019: Indi and Warringah? Inside these two very different communities — one rural, one urban — there are common lessons…
From trepidation to transformation: democracy, Indi-style
“In Indi, two things were up for election, not just who was going to stand for election but the whole way that politics would be done”. Voices for Indi is a fantastic example of a community re-organising for a thriving democracy…
Dare to Dream: one Rabbi's call for vision
Rabbi Jacqueline Ninio shares her thoughts on what happens when, as a society, we get so caught up in the day to day dramas that we forget to dream…
“A place where everyone contributes, matters and belongs”
Following on from our interview with Mark Zirnsak of the Uniting Church, we recently sat down Laura Barnes of QCOSS (Queensland Council of Social Service) to get a different organisational perspective on the art of putting vision into action…