Season 2, Ep 4: People waking up to their power — election reflections


Welcome to the Post-Election Therapeutic Celebratory Download Chat!

How are you feeling post-election? Joyful? Weary? Cynical? Numb?

Millie and Lily dig into it all. It’s a chat about what this election means for democracy, about ‘strategic joy’ and hope, and how to make the most of this page-turn in our country’s story.

We also reflect on the mass shootings in America from Lily’s perspective as a dual US-Australian citizen, and how Australians can help. Let’s embrace our power to drive not only better ideas, but a better kind of politics.

Season 2, Ep 4
People waking up to their power - election reflections

Show notes

Things we mention:

Things you can do!

  • Leave a message for the show. Buzzing with ideas, thoughts after this episode? Let us know! Call (02) 7257 2619, or email your thoughts to

    • What did this election mean for you? How are you feeling? What do you want to see happen from here?

  • Reach out to the people who represent you — never underestimate the power of a personal, positive message to build a relationship.

  • Use your voice on social media — spread the word about this podcast, share a message or idea that’s inspired you, model the kind of politics you want to see.

  • Distressed about gun violence in America? You can donate from afar, and use your voice to help change the story that nothing can be done. Groups to support include:


Season 2, Ep 5: Ruth McGowan wants you to run for office


Season 2, Ep 3: What’s our “why” as a country? (Part 2)