“There are a thousand hacking at the branches of evil to one who is striking at the root.”
- Henry David Thoreau
reMAKER U is a free online education resource for reMAKERS; a place where we learn to become more confident, systems-literate and transformative in our work. This is not ‘how to run a campaign’ style training, but a deep dive into critical thought.
At reMAKER U we shine a light under the bonnet of systems — those strangely invisible things that seem so impenetrable and inevitable but really were made by people and therefore can be changed by people.
We can build a world where people and nature thrive, but we need to understand what holds the current world in place. We need to learn how to change systems, not just treat symptoms. We need to unravel, as we reMAKE.
Vision: a
common destination
Learn about why vision matters, and how to do it well.
Unravelling: understanding the world we’re in
Learn how we got here and what's holding the current system in place.
reMAKING: Building new systems
Learn about how to build transformation into your work and thinking.
Getting practical: advice and tools for leaders
Examples and advice on how to translate theory to action, from worksheets to messaging guides.
Our global
Australia reMADE is a part of an ecosystem of global organisations working for transformative systems change. Learn more about them and their fantastic work.